The SBox is a Spirit Box AND EVP Recorder, making it a versatile, amazing addition to your ghost hunting equipment..
The PSB7 is a popular investigation tool used for scanning radio frequencies (AM/FM) in forward and reverse sweeps.
The 532 nm Green Laser Grid Pen has an adjustable pattern for all of your ghost-hunting needs.
The Electronic Voice Phenomenon Recorder or EVP Recorder is a key piece of equipment when ghost-hunting or carrying out a paranormal investigation.
The Full Spectrum Converted Mobile Phone is a great piece of equipment for live-streaming paranormal investigations.
5-megapixel visual camera, and an LED flashlight, this versatile and budget-friendly tool is ideal for ghost hunting
These Touch Activated Flashing Balls are motion-activated. Also known as Flashing Cat Balls or Ghost-Hunting Cat Balls.
EVP Amplified Vibrational Microphone for Ghost Hunting allows you to boost EVP voices throughout a paranormal investigation.
The SLS Cam Gold brings many new features to the SLS Camera. It’s an all-in-one ghost hunting kit designed for ease of use.